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MMS Comprehensive School Counseling Program

MMS School Counseling Program

Results of Needs Assessment: MMS

Student Survey: 275Total students in grades 6-8 completed the survey

100% Know who the school counselor is

85% Feel comfortable reaching out to the school counselor with personal issues

90% Feel supported by the school counselor

80% Reported feeling safe at school

80% Agree the school counselor helps them develop socially and emotionally

Top 5 student concerns:

  • Depression/Anxiety/Suicide
  • Bullying and Peer Relations
  • Stress Management
  • Social Skills
  • Career Exploration


The MMS Counselor Advisory Team (CAT) reviewed the following data:

  • Student assessment surveys
  • Staff assessment surveys
  • Parent assessment surveys
  • The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs


The CAT found the following patterns in the data:

  • The school counselor is in line with the recommended Texas Counseling Association program requirements.
  • Top five concerns were the same for parents, students, and staff


MMS Counseling Program Goals:

Based on data collected, the MMS CAT has made the following program goals.

#1 The school counselor will continue to make classroom visits to implement social emotional learning.

#2 The school counselor will continue to work with small group counseling sessions.

#3 The school counselor will offer and oversee trainings to help teachers identify students who need school counseling referrals and/or mental health services.


Examples of the Program’s delivery components:

Guidance Curriculum: Provide guidance content to teach all students how to develop transferrable skills for daily living. This will be done through classroom visits and through small group sessions.

Responsive Services: Address students’ concerns that impact their educational, career, personal, and social development. This will be done through individual counseling sessions based on referrals.

Individual Planning: Assists students in planning and managing their individual educational, career, personal, and social development. This can be done through consulting with a RTI, 504, LPAC, or ARD committee. It can also be done through individual sessions.

System Support: Identify and coordinate resources and activities on campus and in the community that indirectly benefit students.


Counseling Program Calendar of Events:



Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic - Meet the school counselor


Major Projects/Events -

  • Create yearly counseling calendar (individual sessions will be all throughout the year)
  • Plan 1st semester guidance lessons
  • Needs assessments for Parents, Teachers, and Students



Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic – Emotions and How to Handle Them

Major Projects/Events-

  • Suicide Awareness Prevention Month
  • Finalize Comprehensive school counseling plan for current school year
  • Collect data for identifying At-Risk students
  • Consult with teachers on student concerns
  • Plan campus wide service project: 
  • Crisis prevention



Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic – Bully Prevention


Major Projects/Events-

  • Continue to collect data for identifying At-Risk students
  • Meet with grade level teams to develop intervention plans for At-Risk students
  • Deadline for At-Risk identification, data entry, and intervention planning
  • Advise with student council and other campuses for Red Ribbon Week activities
  • Bullying Prevention month
  • Unity Day



Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic – Responsibility


Major Projects/Events-

  • Plan Christmas Assistance program
  • Career Exploration



Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic – Anger Management

Major Projects/Events-

  • Christmas deliveries needy students
  • Plan 2nd semester guidance lessons



Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic -  Focus/Attention

Major Projects/Events-

  • Staff Development Day for Parent/Teacher Conferences



Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic – Empathy


Major Projects/Events-

  • STAAR Field testing 



Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic – Cooperation

Major Projects/Events-



Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic – Career Exploration

Major Projects/Events-



Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic – Cyber Security

Major Projects/Events-

  • EOY comprehensive school counseling program – evaluation, analysis, revisions, creation for next year